MOSIMTEC has key strategic alliances with a number of leaders in industry and academia
We view these alliances as a key success factor in being able to provide our clients with the most value adding offerings.
We are partnered with The AnyLogic Company, a multinational team operating from the US and Europe, designing, developing, and marketing software for business applications.
We are an authorized representative and premier partner of Simio LLC, a private company headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dedicated to delivering leading edge solutions for the design, emulation, and scheduling of complex systems.
We are the North America authorized representative of MineTwin mining simulation software. MineTwin is a planning and decision support tool for mining companies and consultants. It is a self-configurable discrete event simulation and scheduling platform that simulates underground and surface mining operations.

We are partnered with Amalgama Software Design. Amalgama is a company that provides tools, solutions and professional services in digital twins and simulation.
We are an industry member of the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC), a multi-disciplinary research center of Old Dominion University.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modelling (SIGSIM).
ACM SIGSIM mission is to promote and disseminate the advancement of high quality state-of-the-art in Modeling and Simulation (M&S) across a broad range of interests and disciplines.
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
CSCMP is the leading source providing education, research, networking, career growth and best-practice data to the supply chain management profession.
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
IISE is a global nonprofit organization serving industrial engineering, lean, Six Sigma, management, healthcare, and ergonomics professionals aimed at advancing and promoting the IE profession through networking, training and knowledge sharing.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
PMI is the organization of choice for project management professionalism and the leading nonprofit professional association in the area of Project Management. PMI establishes Project Management standards, provides seminars, educational programs and professional certification that more and more organizations desire for their project leaders.
The Association for Operations Management (APICS)
APICS builds operations management excellence in individuals and enterprises through superior education and training, internationally recognized certifications, comprehensive resources, and a worldwide network of accomplished industry professionals.
Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME)
SME is a professional society whose membership represents professionals serving the minerals industry in more than 85 countries. SME advances the worldwide minerals community through information exchange and professional development.
Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International
MESA is a worldwide not-for-profit community of manufacturing companies, information technology hardware and software suppliers, system integrators, consulting service providers, analysts, editors, academics and students. The combined purpose is to improve business results and production operations through optimized application and implementation of information technology and best management practices.