
ChatGPT has made AI a household word. AI is now taking Digital Twins (DT), a top technology trend, to the next level. AI can improve DT efficiency by providing insights beyond what real-world sensors can provide, also by making predictions about the future. AI can decide which tests it needs to run based on data received, then predict actions to achieve desired outcomes; all of this happens automatically.

Manufacturing is a key user of DT. Tesla creates digital simulations for every car it sells. Each vehicle has sensors and sends data to the cloud. Tesla uses AI to analyze their performance, make improvements and reduce repairs in the future. Unilever built DT of its factories. It uses data from sensors to test operational changes and make production more efficient. It then adds machine learning to look for ways to boost efficiency/flexibility. They now aim to use DT for their entire supply chain to boost efficiency.

MOSIMTEC knows all about Industry 4.0 and digital twins for manufacturing. We are well versed in AI and leverage DT in our projects every single day to help companies improve performance. Don’t be left in the dust by your competitors as they supercharge their businesses with AI and DT. MOSIMTEC can help you future-proof your business.

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