
I(Coleman Kredich) have had the privilege to work for MOSIMTEC this past summer (2022). Going into this internship, I thought I was going to just be doing busy work (cleaning excel files, going on coffee runs, etc.). In general, I had heard that bosses are mean and work is something you have to get
through rather than enjoy. That was not my experience at MOSIMTEC. Throughout this internship, I have had the opportunity to work with some incredible people and experienced what a job was like at a boutique consulting firm.

I spent most of my time researching and developing a method for transforming information between Simulation models, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). I learnt how large companies store their data in ERP systems and all of the capabilities of a well-managed system. I built a sample MES using Tulip, an emerging MES software package, that a factory could theoretically use to track machinery. I had never heard of these systems when I first started, but now I would consider myself proficient this new software tool. Unlike many internships, I believe that I made a significant contribution to MOSIMTEC. I was not just given busy work, but was put on tasks that they trusted me to handle and develop.

I was thrown into the deep end when it came to my project. I was responsible for developing and researching integration methods between the softwares with the goal of MOSIMTEC to get insights into their capabilities and limitations. Being the only person assigned to this effort, whenever I ran into a wall I had find or develop a solution myself by trial-and-error. If I really couldn’t solve the problem, my supervisor Jeff Brelsford would be more than happy to help and would brainstorm and research with me. I learned to persevere when solving problems that I would face in the future no matter what job I end up taking. The leadership that my coworkers and the company Partners provided was be incredible and will be extremely helpful as I prepare for the real-world.

This internship has given me an opportunity to take skills that I had only used in the classroom and apply them to real-world problems. I also had to be creative, adaptive, and have a growth mindset. When I ran into a problem, I had to just keep trying different solutions or methods rather than just giving up. My fellow employees were crucial in this because they were always willing to brainstorm let me bounce my ideas off of them.

This has been an amazing summer experience. Working with the people at MOSIMTEC is truly a fantastic time. This firm goes out of their way to make working here fun and exciting. I will truly be lucky if all my work experiences are as good as this one was.