MOSIMTEC just finished a project where the client wanted help with determining the availability of parking in an area that struggles with it currently. The benefactors of the simulation model were interested in understanding the effect that the addition of a new parking garage would have on the surrounding area. They were also interested in how this addition could alleviate the current problems while not negatively affecting the area around it. Anylogic was used to model this system, so there needed to be a clever way to represent cars moving up and down a parking garage on a 2D plane.

About The Parking Simulation Model:

The model used a combination of the built-in Anylogic Road Traffic Library logic blocks and the properties of agent-based modeling to have the cars make their own decisions while moving through the area. The levels of the garage were placed left to right on the plane to represent ascending levels. The cars in the system needed to be aware of what road network they were currently on, the position of that network relative to the rest of the garage, the entrance road, and the road they needed to take to move up or down. From there the system was stress tested to determine how many cars per hour the garage could handle before the traffic began affecting the surrounding area. The optimal entrance configuration for the garage was determined by testing all combinations and comparing the results.

Key Takeaways from The Anylogic Parking Simulation:

From this project, MOSIMTEC learned that it is possible to represent multiple levels of a parking garage in Anylogic and the steps that need to be taken to recreate this for future road traffic simulation projects. The simulation experts at MOSIMTEC were able to figure out a clever solution to this problem, while also keeping simulation runtime to a minimum. This problem would have been impossible had the chosen software not supported agent based modeling and simulation , since all cars in the system needed to be able to make their own decisions. From the solution of this problem, we confirmed the flexibility of the Anylogic simulation software by utilizing some objects from the defined properties and agents from the road traffic library.

#modelingandsimulation #digitaltwins #futureproofyourbusiness #ALConf #AnyLogic #TrafficFlow #RoadTrafficLibrary