Industrial batteries are everywhere – cars, drones, robots, and more – and technology is changing fast. Battery performance powers asset performance so battery decisions drive results.

Decisions are myriad. Which batteries are best for a specific application e.g. type, cost, size, weight, capacity, voltage, discharge rate, battery life? How much more should one pay for longer operating hours? What is the tradeoff between making a battery decision now vs. waiting for the cost curve and storage density to improve? When will the technology become obsolete and require capex for replacement plus end-of-life recycling/disposal cost? How many charging stations are needed and where? What is the risk of unexpected battery failure and how would the system handle it?

With lots of options, variables, and variability, it’s difficult to get an optimum outcome that properly addresses all opportunities/risks. This is where computer modeling, plus 3D visual simulations, can help evaluate tradeoffs and select the best option. MOSIMTEC specializes in dealing with complexity and leverages state of the art simulation modeling tools and simulation modelling services to help clients optimize decisions. We’ve helped Fortune 500 firms, startups, and lots in between. We’re here to help you.

#modelingandsimulation #batteries