Brazil is rushing to roll out high-tech alternatives to fertilizer as global prices surge, impacted by the war in Ukraine. Drones with cameras hover over farms, allowing farmers to use fertilizer only where needed. Labs use lasers to perform soil analysis in seconds. White gels hold nutrients in place near plant roots with minute precision, preventing waste. A nanoparticle liquid called Arboline may help farmers maintain production with 10-30% less fertilizer. And a Brazilian farm is testing a super absorbent hydrogel called Fertgel, released around plant roots to allow crops to prosper during droughts.

Companies are taking notice. The Mosaic Company, a large U.S. fertilizer producer , invested in Genica, a firm using microbes to boost plant growth. Yara International, a Norwegian chemical company, signed a partnership with Drop Agricultura to develop an alternative to nitrogen. Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Motor invested in Arpac, a provider of agricultural-drone technology.

MOSIMTEC helps companies use simulation modeling to explore world-changing opportunities virtually. From farming to pharma, from climate change to change management, we guide clients to get the most knowledge, the most insight, and the most intelligent answers to future-proof their business.

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