Multiple sports have used pandemic-safe bubbles to protect athletes from COVID. The NBA and NHL were very effective, with MLB and NFL less so.

Other industries have used the same concept. Tyler Perry set up “Camp Quarantine” in his studio to film the series “Sistas”. Cast/crew were tested every 4 days and wore masks except during scenes, with no COVID cases during filming. Cheniere Energy, Inc. set up isolation camps for hundreds of natural gas workers with no reported cases. Workers were tested before entering, rotated in/out weekly, and self-isolated with their families when home. DTE Energy sequestered utility workers at hotels with food, laundry and medical services, but no visitors. Two workers out of several hundred got COVID, but didn’t infect anyone else.

There are lots of ways to set up bubbles, some good, some not so good. MOSIMTEC simulation methods can help. Explore options virtually before you try them real-time – number of company and medical personnel, testing requirements, mask, social distancing and sanitizing protocols, support requirements (food, supplies, other), pedestrian flows and more. MOSIMTEC can simulate multiple scenarios to find the most effective and lowest cost to meet your KPIs. We’re here to help.

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