COVID-19 is changing the way we live and work. Companies, non-profits, and government entities are faced with questions and decisions about how we return to work and how to ramp up as restrictions are removed. Just like addressing the virus itself, these decisions can benefit from the use of science and data rather than gut instinct or qualitative analysis to guide next steps.

Modeling and simulation is a great way to do that. Computer simulations provide an animated, real-life representation in 2D or 3D (a digital twin) of how an operation or process works or could work e.g. work flow. You can view what you need to see from different angles; zoom in to see intricate details; zoom out to see the big picture. You can evaluate performance statistics over hours, months or years of process or facility operation. And you can highlight what works, what doesn’t, and how best to meet your performance targets in a post-COVID 19 world e.g. throughput, customer and employee flow/sequencing, social distancing, staffing needs, etc.

MOSIMTEC has performed over 300 simulation projects. Our data scientists and industrial engineers are ready to help everyone get back to work in the safest, most efficient way possible. Let us know how we can help.

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