The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted problems at factories post COVID-19. Some have jumbled supply chains; others are less efficient due to social distancing requirements; others stockpile more inventory due to inconsistent deliveries. Some have all three!

As America reopens, the old normal is gone and the new normal is emerging. Whether you run a factory, a restaurant, a hospital, a lab, a store or a mine, there are changes to make and details to consider. Every situation differs so you need to figure out what works for you. But all these changes impact each other and the result may not be what you want. Call it the law of unintended consequences, COVID style.

Before you wing it with lots of changes, simulate it first. Leverage the latest computer modeling software and simulation capabilities to try things virtually, look at options, tweak the details, and see what works and what doesn’t in data, metrics, and 3D living color before you roll it out for real. Why not try it? It’s fast, it’s powerful, and it’s affordable. It will help you be the hero, not the goat! This is what we do. MOSIMTEC is here to help.

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