All crises cause change and COVID-19 is no different. Manufacturing is not immune. Look inward at what you do and outward at what is possible. If you snooze you lose, so get cracking.

Lots of changes are in play. Demand and supply are volatile. Off-shoring is moving to re-shoring. Staffing is driven by social distance and safety. Manufacturers are morphing to today’s needs – auto plants make ventilators, liquor companies make sanitizer, and garment factories make masks.

What should you do? It depends on your situation, but agility and flexibility will be key. Robots and automation will rule. Workers will be fewer, more remote, but technologically savvy and connected. High speed connections, the cloud, and real-time data will be assets. Working and monitoring work remotely will be prized. Today’s leading edge will be tomorrow’s reality – AI, Industrial IoT, data visualization, sensing and wearable technology.

There are lots of options, sequences, and developmental stages to consider. It’s easy to misstep, but through use of manufacturing simulation technology you can leverage a virtual pilot project to explore options, see what works best for productivity, cost, safety, or other goals. Develop a unique plan that works for you. MOSIMTEC is here to help.

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