
The oil and gas industry is increasingly leveraging digital twins to improve decision-making. Per GlobalData Plc, COVID increased the need to reduce cost and make operations more sustainable with technology.

GlobalData highlights projects such as Equinor’s Johan Sverdrup and bp’s Clair Ridge as benchmarks in digital twin adoption. Companies such as Shell, Chevron and Petrobas S.A. are launching initiatives to deploy digital twins across global operations. BP began wide-scale deployment of its APEX simulation system around 2017. Oil field technology and service companies are supporting these efforts as well.

MOSIMTEC develops digital twins and simulation models for oil and gas companies. For a chemical company, we simulated operations to support planning/construction of one of the world’s largest chemical plants in the Middle East. For a Canadian energy company, we simulated an oil/gas transload facility to improve efficiency and capacity. For a midstream oil and gas operator, we applied simulation to support understanding of the availability of multiple crude sources arriving through multiple connections on various pipelines and under various operational parameters. Learn more about our oil & gas simulation work here:

MOSIMTEC’s industrial engineers and data scientists are here to help.

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