The Czinger Vehicles 21C supercar isn’t just fast, it’s revolutionary. it might change how cars are manufactured – from Henry Ford’s assembly line to additive manufacturing (AM) driven by 3D printing.

The Czinger factory in Torrance, CA has large AM machines printing parts, or adding layers until they’ve printed a part. They also have a circle of robots focused on the manufacturing process. As parts are printed and delivered to the robots, they grab them and glue them together. Glue enough of them together and you have a car that is strong and light, with less material and an optimized shape. Cars can be produced with less lead time, cost and complexity; car models can be changed seamlessly; and spare parts can be 3D printed when needed. Czinger is disrupting auto manufacturing with an entirely new way to design and build products using software. Its approach could disrupt all manufacturing. MOSIMTEC simulation modeling can help manufacturers be ready. There are lots of ways to be the disruptor rather than the disrupted. Explore options virtually with 3D and data-driven precision to see what works best, what doesn’t, and how to gain an advantage on competitors without getting left in the dust. MOSIMTEC can help future-proof your business.

#modeling and simulation company #digitaltwins #futureproofyourbusiness #3dprinting

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