Inflation accelerated to 9.1% in June, the highest rate since 1981. Prices for gasoline, household energy, groceries and shelter rose 60%, 22%, 12% and 6%, respectively.

Energy prices were driven by high crude oil prices and a shortage of refinery capacity. A surge in mortgage rates since last year, along with higher home prices, has put home purchases out of reach for many, adding pressure to rental prices as more families rent instead. Rising grocery prices were impacted by weather, diseases affecting citrus trees/chickens and the Ukraine war which has disrupted global production/trade of grains and oils. In total, energy, housing and food prices accounted for almost half of the CPI spending basket.

In inflationary times, how can companies hold costs down? MOSIMTEC simulation modeling and digital twin consulting can help. Explore ways to change the cost structure, reduce costs of key inputs and evaluate/test cost levers. Become more cost effective by refreshing the business model, improving the supply chain, modifying production lines or automating functions. Outdo competitors with creative cost cutting changes and do it quickly, cost effectively and virtually before making real world changes. MOSIMTEC can help you future-proof and cost-proof your business.

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