We’re in the 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Per SAP, it takes automation/computerization to the next level via digital industrial technology, powered by Industrial Internet of Things (IIot) and autonomous systems using computer-based algorithms to monitor/control assets like machinery, robots and vehicles and make them “smart”.

There are 9 technology pillars of Industry 4.0 – big data/analytics, horizontal/vertical integration, cloud computing, augmented reality, IIoT, 3D printing, autonomous robots, simulation/digital twins and cybersecurity. Key benefits include intelligent products, factories and assets, and empowered people with enhanced information access and decision-making ability, to support radical improvements in productivity, automation, agility and cost.

MOSIMTEC makes Industry 4.0 a reality. Our simulation modeling and 3D process digital twins leverage enterprise data to simulate expected outcomes into the future to provide predictive and prescriptive analysis of system/facility performance. It is used to improve the design and operations of complex systems, with one typical output being a detailed, feasible schedule including a risk assessment of defined targets e.g. delivery dates, cost.

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