Management consulting was down 13% in 2020. According to Source Global Research (SGR), HR, strategy and operational improvement projects were down 28%, 19% and 17%, respectively, as of October 30, with technology projects falling only 4%.

With major changes in the market and many companies struggling, consultants were well positioned to help clients in need, but recent SGR research highlights “concern about the effectiveness of these interventions.” Per SGR, consultants “shouldn’t assume that the services they have will meet clients’ rapidly changing needs, but will need to adapt existing offerings and develop new ones that very precisely map to clients’ needs. And they’ll have to demonstrate that they can deliver outcomes from those services at speed.”

MOSIMTEC modeling can help, including 3D simulation, optimization, digital twin and analytics. We work with consulting firms to leverage these capabilities in diverse areas, such as supply chain, manufacturing, mining, healthcare and elsewhere. Example projects focus on operational management consulting, supply chain optimization, manufacturing processes, lab work flows, restaurant procedures and more. Modeling and simulation can be done quickly, cost effectively and remotely. MOSIMTEC is here to help.

#modelingandsimulation #digitaltwin

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