McKinsey & Company annual IT strategy survey shows how technology investments are proving their worth. They highlight seven lessons.

Key messages include: At least 2/3 of technology initiatives yielded cost reduction, employee improvements and/or increased revenue. Changes to sourcing strategies and scaling up data analytics were particularly effective. Many companies report technology-related skill gaps in their workforce and are relying more on sourcing partners to supplement internal capabilities. Top companies pursue multiple initiatives to achieve technology transformation and the broader use of advanced technologies, such as IoT, supports greater value creation. Top performers are much more focused on measurement, even for measures that aren’t technology-specific.

MOSIMTEC can be your technology sourcing partner. We focus on digital twins and advanced computer simulation to help companies improve performance. Learn more about our simulation consulting services here: If you want to enhance operations, fix your supply chain, change processes/measures or look at new ways to transform your business, we can help. Explore multiple options virtually before making real world changes to see what works best and what doesn’t for key KPIs. MOSIMTEC industrial engineers/data scientists are here to help.

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