COVID vaccinations are moving to ever larger sites. FEMA is planning to operate up to 100 federally run mass vaccination facilities. The National Football League (NFL) has offered its stadiums as vaccination locations. Fenway Park, Dodger Stadium and Yankee Stadium are already in use.

Effective site management requires detailed planning – vaccine delivery/refrigeration, social distancing for large groups of people, traffic control, patient flow, waiting locations for 15-30 minutes in case of allergic reaction, facility schedules, staffing needs and more. Procedures have to be developed – scheduling for second doses, plans for no shows and spoilage prevention, procedures for staff, patient and visitor identification, and coordination with police, fire and EMT.

MOSIMTEC healthcare simulation modeling can help. Explore options virtually to see what works and what doesn’t before implementing in the real world. Evaluate site and storage layouts, vehicle/people flow, procedural options and KPI’s to measure performance. Use pedestrian modeling to map potential foot traffic and flow, identify busy pathways, and test directional traffic rules. MOSIMTEC industrial engineers and data scientists specialize in managing complexity and optimizing performance.

#modelingandsimulation #covid19