One benefit of Industry 4.0 is smart factories. Per SAP, these are “highly digitized, largely autonomous facilities that take full advantage of advanced technologies like big data, AI, robotics, analytics and IoT.”
Digital twin simulation models create a virtual representation of new and existing factories. Greenfield systems are for new sites where simulation models are used for system design, capital investment and feasibility studies for “smart solutions” such as robotics, AMR’s, ASRS and production control systems. Brownfield systems are for existing sites where simulation acts as the planning tool for allocating resources and defining production sequences in operational time to improve system operation, processes, capacity planning and scheduling.
MOSIMTEC simulation models help customers make the paradigm shift to understand and control the entire factory process from end to end. Our digital twins focus on revenue – better planning and scheduling (P&S) drives delivery times, service levels and customer payments. They also focus on cost – enhanced P&S affects resource capacity/utilization and worker/equipment time and counts, which drive labor costs, capital costs and inventory.
#modelingandsimulation #digitaltwin #smartfactory