Renewable energy is a major focus of Biden Harris Administration. Solar farms, including large collections of photovoltaic panels for capturing energy, converting to electricity, and sending to power grids are key to success.

Solar farms are getting larger and more cost competitive. The largest U.S. solar farm is under construction – the Gemini Solar Farm in NV is scheduled for completion in 2022 with 690 MW of generation and 380 MW of battery storage. Floating solar farms are also emerging. Singapore built a 5 MW floating facility and has a 60 MW facility under construction. U.S. farmers are building solar arrays on farmland, including dual-use facilities with solar panels mounted off the ground to allow farm machines to operate and plants to grow underneath.

Building onshore and offshore solar farms is complex. MOSIMTEC simulation modeling can help plan projects and reduce risk, including delays and cost overruns. Extensive equipment and oversize cargos need to be sourced, transported, stored and constructed by skilled construction workers in the right place at the right time. Data can be used to visualize the supply chain and construction process, spot trends, identify problem areas, make decisions and resolve issues. MOSIMTEC can help.

#modelingandsimulation #solarenergy #smart grid modeling

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