Data is a strategic asset, critical for managing and leveraging current/emerging technologies. You need to pay as much attention to your data as you do to hard assets such as equipment.

This is particularly important for Industry 4.0. According to Joseph Anderson, VP Services for the Institute of Process Excellence (IPC), the answer to harnessing your Industry 4.0 potential is in your data. “When you talk about digital transformation or digital twin, most companies only invest in systems and typically put bad data in their new systems. They rarely take the time to do a deep data cleanse. It’s the utilization of the data, and the cleansing of it, where businesses often fail.”

MOSIMTEC helps clients manage/enhance data sources, quality, availability and governance to support their digital strategy. Better data can support simulation modeling, digital twin, predictive analytics and factory of the future efforts. Per Mr. Anderson at IPC, “it’s taking the time to look at what your data truly is, how we should use it, and the intelligence we can put with that data using employee feedback…which helps your manufacturing company keep its promise to the workforce to make jobs and products better.”

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