
A chemical manufacturer was constructing one of the largest petrochemical facilities of its kind, designed and built in a single phase. The production facility had limited space for on-site storage and produced goods that would be shipped via two ports to destinations worldwide. The sheer size of the system and high amounts of variation made it difficult to understand system bottlenecks with traditional static spreadsheet calculations. The client contracted MOSIMTEC to develop an end-to-end dynamic simulation model to understand the holistic system, both visually and analytically.

Some of the components in the model included discrete and continuous production, production scheduling, on-site warehousing, empty container management, raw material replenishment, and truck and rail transport. The model extends past the fence of the production facility to include bulk and container port logic, ocean carriers, hub delivery and regional consumption. The holistic supply chain model utilizes a combination of push production and re-ordering logic to trigger activities within the detailed production facility model.

See a video of the simulation here:

#modelingandsimulation #petrochemicalindustry