Per the Wall Street Journal, the classic fruitiness of IPA beer usually comes from hops, the flowers that give many beer varieties their flavors. But if you order this beer at a local brewery in San Francisco, Los Angeles or Seattle, the flavors may come from the excretions of genetically modified yeast, sold by a company called Berkeley Yeast.

About 20 years ago, scientists found that tweaking the genes in yeast, a single cell fungus, could cause it to produce a variety of compounds. Today, yeasts are being genetically engineered to produce flavor molecules in research that could eventually lead to entirely new and unfamiliar tastes. Someday, the flavors and smells added to most foods and drinks could be created in yeast-brewing tanks rather than extracted from plants or synthesized from labs.

Using flavors produced by yeasts could save money, use fewer scarce environmental resources and allow less dependence on harvests vulnerable to weather. For now, such yeast-created flavors can be difficult to make in large quantities, but most food products don’t require very large amounts of flavoring compared with other ingredients. And with this technology, you can scale up or down very quickly.

MOSIMTEC has significant experience helping similar manufacturers. Givaudan, a multinational manufacturer of flavors, fragrances and active cosmetic ingredients, who have 166 locations worldwide with 78 production sites, identified the need to relocate a production process to a separate facility to increase overall system throughput. They wished to gain insight on the throughput and resource capability of the proposed future production facility. MOSIMTEC developed a digital twin that included both the current state production facility – for validation – and the future state. The model identified the “true” throughput capabilities of the future state. Furthermore, the client learned that routing rules of orders had a greater impact on throughput than increasing crew counts, potentially saving money in fixed and variable production costs.


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