
Per IOT World Today, companies across sectors have been tasked to decarbonize for many years. Leaders need strategies for net zero to meet company needs/public perceptions. For many firms, decarbonization methods work with digital tactics, such as analytics, AI, IoT and more, to improve operational efficiency, leading to less waste, electricity/fuel needs and more. This cuts carbon footprints, reduces costs and improves profits.

Digital twins (DT) of oil and gas (O&G) fields can cut emissions and drive efficiencies. DT can provide details on real-time operations and optimize production so companies can identify excessive emissions and reduce them. DT must have an integrated architecture with data from an array of physical/digital assets. These field-level twins provide production teams with a detailed view of their field’s infrastructure, also related intelligent solutions. They can simulate real-time scenarios like fracking to determine well viability, identify costs/schedules, increase production and analyze potential emissions.

Despite the need to cut emissions from O&G production, many operators face challenges implementing field level DT. Examples include: (1) It is hard to locate/extract reserves, let alone add the goal to minimize carbon emissions (2) Drilling, completions, geosciences, production and reserves modeling are often siloed. Models are managed using various software/databases and by numerous organizational teams. This hinders integrated field production efficiency and (3) offshore fields face larger hurdles including bad connectivity hampering digital-enabled tools, limited site teams to address key issues, and complicated supply chains.

With these complexities, O&G operators should start with four steps to incorporate DT into field production:

  • Form cross-organizational teams to manage DT deployment and help break down silos across datasets, solutions and processes
  • Assess digital maturity of O&G fields
  • Determine guidelines and processes to measure/monitor CO2 emitted per barrel of oil, also methane emissions
  • Partner with external stakeholders (governments, suppliers, customers) to create sustainable solutions

With varying fields, reservoirs, strategies and technologies, companies need to tailor DT deployment plans to their unique situations. For today’s O&G companies, DT offers untapped potential to decarbonize their leading emissions source – field production. DT can help O&G companies improve efficiency, production and safety, and ultimately make net zero a reality.

MOSIMTEC has developed digital twins for multiple O&G companies. For a chemical company, we simulated operations to support planning/construction of one of the world’s largest chemical plants in the Middle East. For a Canadian energy company, we simulated an oil/gas transload facility to improve efficiency and capacity. MOSIMTEC can help future-proof your business.


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